It's OK to not be OK pt 2018 019.JPG

My friend asked, “ How are you doing on week 5 of stay-at-home?”

My response, “ Resiliency is highly overrated.”

I’m half-joking and half-serious. Resiliency takes energy which many of us are in short supply of these days. It takes planning to read all of those “ help me please” offers crowding your email box. Some flash “free” in the subject line but when you finally have enough energy to focus and look for something that might help, you discover it was free for a few hours, but that was a few days ago. Now if want to find some peace during these uncertain times it will cost you $25.99

So don’t worry so much if you haven’t watched or read or found that perfect coping strategy. You may just need to stare into space and give yourself permission to be unproductive and have a less than stellar day or two.

All those helpful videos and blog posts and articles will still be out there when you are ready. And if you continue to read here, I’ll have a list of my own for you to look at. You’ll have to wait awhile because I think I’ll take a nap.